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Happy belated holidays everyone! The new year has arrived and I hope it finds all of you well. There is lots of news over here in Grand Rapids in this new year (and pictures!)

We have finally signed for the space! We will officially be at the corner of Seward Avenue and 7th Street.

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We are so excited about this and it means we can finally get in and remodel the space! Here are a few “before” pictures of the shop…

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The train is rolling forward and we are thrilled to be on board! We will be doing quite a bit of painting, staining, and using a wide variety of tools in the near future. I will make sure to keep the pictures coming as the progress of the place moves ahead.

As far as the paperwork and such – we have progress on that front as well. We have met with an architect to get our official drawings done. This will allow us to file all the necessary paperwork with the city and health department. We also will be putting in our application to GROW for the micro-loan program. Prayers are welcomed and encouraged!

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May God bless all of you in this New Year! It’s another 365 day journey around the sun – enjoy the fun times, be courageous in the hard times, and may you be loved in the sad times. And maybe pay us a visit once we open in 2015!