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Hey Everyone! Thanks for being patient with us. We’ve been quite busy these last few weeks. The business is really coming together!

We’ve met with City Planning, Kent County Health Department, and others in getting everything lined up and ready for opening. We’re still about a month and a half from starting business, but all is still moving forward.

I’ve been getting some great help from my beautiful cousins in painting some of the furniture. The tables and chairs are looking great! I’m excited to see it all together and in the shop. I will post pictures soon! (A sneak peek of the furniture that is. 🙂 )

We have had some potential investors step forward recently, which is extremely exciting! We could not praise and thank God more and thank you for all your prayers. It has been so amazing watching God work through those around us, through your prayers, and through our prayers and actions. He is so good!

We’ve also been working with G.R.O.W. (Grand Rapids Opportunity for Women). What an amazing resource! They have been wonderful and we are eager to continue to work with them. Thursday I’m taking a class there, I’ll let you know how it goes.

Please continue to pray for us! Those prayers are what propels us forward. They inspire us to continue and encourage us when we are less than enthused with this mission. God has blessed us through this community and we know He will continue to do so. Thank you everyone! I’ll check in again soon!

“Lord Jesus, keep me always alert and awake to you, to your word, your action, and your daily presence in my life. Let me see Your glory.”